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Motorola 实习生招聘

发表于 2011-1-14 17:17:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Hi, all,  9 m8 z8 I( _$ L& u

  I' }- Y$ t) v! AQuest for The Best (QFTB), i.e. the Employee Referral Program is a very effective way for hiring. The purpose of QFTB is to find new employees in the most efficient way, as well " o: z& @. @: U; R3 ^. t

& z) Y0 c1 |( t; T3 P$ I4 F: t' n' P1 xas to reward existing employee's efforts in helping build our team.   
3 [3 y3 |8 G( E: q8 X' O" A- ^2 o1 T$ ~
There is one regular position for G&PS Chengdu Design Center. Weclome you refer qualified candidates and please send the resume to PWNC64@motorolasolutions.com with
# @' m! W+ {0 M$ z0 R2 I& l8 u$ Q1 X9 ?$ H8 ?' j6 _2 V2 i
"Name+Position Applied" in the subject. Thanks.
/ h0 w$ k* Z& |4 r/ }
+ \$ F! ~7 Y  X) N$ q! G & l2 F& o/ t; i& @
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------) M3 u. W$ Z7 N$ M2 s) Z
/ S# a! ~1 q5 T3 S2 h. b3 b3 Z

0 r9 Y# L- l' C0 b( A) T( e/ L* |; f" A; n
8 F7 ]' s' `, j) `0 R$ f& k
Position1 : Windows Application Software Engineer-Regular 0 I5 j3 K6 D4 `

4 \8 f- y! I2 D7 M; [) f7 n* ?9 RLocation: Chengdu, }. a/ W6 \5 d4 ~
Opening: 1) O4 {! e$ X, {. X5 @
Department Description :Responsible for developing Windows applications ; f, {' v' v! A2 H1 e
6 G9 Q& R4 w- b5 Y* {3 n
Specific Knowledge/Skills
2 T6 A. Y5 f' N. d: V  x/ l
& L6 J% `" Q( R% b9 S3 f8 h1) Bachelor/Master degree in Computer Science, EE or Telecommunication
4 o/ X' j" h0 j/ Z' M; T( ?) U, _) _; W: \  h6 f7 g7 z/ g6 s7 N
2) Strong Knowledge on .net platform & OO methodology - `( s* B; u$ K/ g# o' S  B
9 y# r' R6 r! g/ b5 m" Z3 w$ G4 F
3) Experience in C#/C++/XML programming4 m# D7 A& k6 g1 ~6 D" z) ?0 W
& h! Z3 V" d6 i+ b
4) Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, good team spirit and adaptability
2 K# k- y, r' [0 E$ B1 o9 h9 q6 S4 B
2 J( {. F7 w+ V0 J9 `; S- S- V; w; m# r2 I5) Good communication skills in Chinese and English.
! A0 E$ z- X" L* s5 m. Q
: F' a" I4 {2 h- I. g+ T! I( ^6) Having one of following experience will be a plus: - WPF, WCF - QC, QTP4 {4 y  b; f2 }& n

6 A8 N4 [& r% {5 D. k3 T: L
- [, R7 Y) H' K0 G4 S. K. R1 }3 r  c! q( f4 `1 {
Position2 : Windows Application Software Engineer- Intern and Contractor$ W  b6 X# a. R0 s. b% ~
Location: Chengdu" w& ]; j8 h; m; g2 [- @: l
Opening: 若干
+ J& h! N3 [  c+ ZDepartment Description :Responsible for developing Windows applications + \1 E" B4 a9 Q

1 a1 O# c& c' B. |" p2 aSpecific Knowledge/Skills
( X" p& b6 Z( H* c# f7 Q2 q
5 D. z! P2 i* E1) Bachelor/Master degree in Computer Science, EE or Telecommunication
+ L4 @. @) ]* Q( G
1 y7 w# B7 `7 z; t2) Strong Knowledge on .net platform & OO methodology
# w1 o/ D, V# R
  \$ k6 V! d2 \, ]* t" I, I$ O& h3) Experience in C#/C++/XML programming( Q' y6 y7 n( i/ `, P0 [
% {" X! T; U7 X# ^  q( h3 @' L8 W- S
4) Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, good team spirit and adaptability3 K6 _+ p; I- [4 W" v

. T( y8 g; |& |* `( R8 x" I5) Good communication skills in Chinese and English.
. E( }+ \9 M. B: _# J7 ?4 e, a
6 Z6 A1 O5 ]5 k0 {$ z6) Having one of following experience will be a plus: - UML with Rational Rose RT. - Experience in TCP/IP network programming. - Experience in multi-sites development project.: w  G: S: R2 z5 O" c: F

/ _& `) V3 }/ ^5 `' v0 _ ; \, S& b( y0 M* M, |9 G; U* k
* e# l& b: _/ u5 t8 J' Q% t
Position3:Software Development Engineers - Embedded Testing- Intern# H, w8 j/ U2 }7 i% r7 {0 l
0 }, W' r) t2 ^
Location: Chengdu
; z" D: m" G: d$ y6 s
, K" P% p/ t) r$ x' F* OOpening: 1% J4 {7 a2 \- Y( E
* |8 n3 P& C$ n% d/ W
Department Description :Working closely with our software development engineers to collect feature requirements and design integrated test case, Defining test plans and implementing auto test script.   1 k* V, ^& a! C5 \& a: D- ?9 i% O) B

- l7 c3 J& e9 l# ]+ ~! H1 \Specific Knowledge/Skills 3 e9 q% N8 `& v* ?3 Z% J. |
) `' u3 s* d& {" o# X
1)  Bachelor/Master degree on Computer Science, EE or Communication.
+ N: G1 }2 [: s" `1 q6 {7 U$ Z" t1 k3 l8 A  E; g" k) Z
2)  1+ year experiences of embedded system testing,
5 ~; x* _* y) O: t
, J& j" V3 U, j3)  Expertise in scripting language such as TCL, Perl or Python.8 k! n0 ~' ]$ H! i9 f+ a

1 t) ~1 ~3 A( r( P4)  Experience of automation testing is preferred.
0 k  l: S7 {8 \0 E9 Q1 N1 l
8 a6 I$ T; i1 Y+ A5)  Experience of Labview is preferred
' }5 R1 L* `0 }+ X
  y" u; d3 q  x0 `/ r6)  Excellent interpersonal communication skills, good team spirit and adaptability.  % h* j3 Z# b3 R2 h2 Q; Y5 s
* T$ J* n$ h; r, i7 ~
7)  Good communication skills in Chinese and English
, T, H2 h0 O$ b  c# e' y
. W% _9 o/ D4 _( f7 s' E$ x; c % S1 l( N1 A% g
Position4: Software Development Engineers - Embedded SW Engineer-Contractor; n( P. }) B+ o* j( e5 ]' S

+ z/ n1 ?; S0 l2 [$ pLocation: Chengdu$ N, r5 z$ |$ P& N
( P" [( L- x- Z) m( M4 `
Opening: 1
" `; N  ?/ X! }& V' M5 n; V4 d4 W
Department Description:  Responsible for software development/test, communication protocol development/test for embedded system.
$ _- O* B8 z" K  g
! y$ M6 R; N/ m# Q8 q: ?Specific Knowledge/Skills ( E2 ]# Z: i7 j

) _; H+ H, l1 n* i1) Bachelor/Master degree on Computer Science, EE or Communication. 5 d. K  j; f" O6 Q& k" F' b

: x% A9 g) C. L3 r2)Understanding or experience of Real Time embedded Software development. 9 Q, @9 n+ X& ~6 J4 L+ I
+ V' J. l2 W5 P" Y' Q
3)Strong programming skills in C and C++ , Understanding of Object Oriented programming and embedded development practices+ _6 ~( I% e! Y# i' ?
6 v1 \# V# o$ u; Z
4) Familiar with communication protocols, such as TCP/IP or telecommunication.
" o& ?0 f9 |; t3 x- ?! \5 b8 C0 }' ~; K
5) Proactively learner and Eager for new technologies
2 z' V. M* _1 u: Y9 v. W7 L, X
- B; |2 S: b+ a+ N- Good skill on interpersonal communication including expressing, presentation, listening and understanding
" q/ W& l# j# L  W. u$ p: k9 |# w" g9 w( }
6) Written English and oral skill is required
# i/ l; c4 N- I! }4 `) C7 ~9 ^- P6 ?  H! A
7)   Following will be a plus:* M2 x3 h8 ^! R& d: w
' p. h) O) R6 j- o' x
- Knowledge with embedded RTOS. Working experience on OSE, Nucleus, or VxWorks is a plus.
- t0 }- d5 [* H! t+ S" M# P1 O7 X0 c2 y+ B' g. x, }9 p
-Experience with the development of telecommunication products is a plus5 A: h; _: k6 F  c' s

5 n- B' {$ Z0 d  s% N-Experienced in TCP/IP, especial for router, switch and multicast is a plus
; g- a; R1 k0 H7 D% G, ~0 M. d* ]3 @
- Experience with Rational Clearcase, and Rational TestRealTime is a plus

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-14 17:18:45 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2011-1-14 17:20:40 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2011-1-14 17:21:57 | 显示全部楼层
什么东西  看见英文  直接pass

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发表于 2011-1-14 17:38:19 | 显示全部楼层

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